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Maintenance Care
Ease up that restriction, Book your body in for a much needed service!
1 hr1 hVillage Hotel Gym, Dy1 4tb
65 British pounds
Service Description
This Session Includes Muscle Scraping - Which is a treatment that utilises instruments to loosen muscle adhesions and scar tissue and to massage trigger points to increase range of motion. Dry Cupping Therapy - Cupping is the use of cups applied to the body by suctioning. Cupping gives a negative pressure that can loosen tight muscles, creates a deep sense of relaxation and helps to gently relieve the body. Mobilisations With Movements - MWMs are used for restricted limb movements. Soft Tissue Mobilisations - Please note patients will be full screened prior to the treatment taking place.
Contact Details
Village Hotel Dudley, Castlegate Drive, Dudley, UK
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